I don't feel like I am missing anything when I eat a good veggie burger; all I want is something dense, flavourful, and hearty to bite into and it's really easy to get that with fresh ingredients. Plus you're getting multiple servings of vegetables in for the day, as well as - with this recipe - some super foods like chia and hemp seeds. But to be honest, I think any edible raw plant can be seen as a super food. I don't miss one thing about meat burgers. A round of rotting, ground-up flesh that was once a sentient being who had a mom? Sorry I'm not drooling... I'll stick to eating veggies.
Okay getting completely side-tracked but my mom just came in here and handed me a bag full of raw macadamias! Oh. My. Nuts. I am so excited. It's not a huge bag but it cost like $25, so I will savour every macadamia as if it were gold; actually gold probably tastes gross and macadamia nuts are more valuable in any case so scratch that - I will savour every one for the delicious, creamy, crunchy, wholesome treat it is.
yam mushroom onion burgers: makes about 12
1 peeled yam
3-4 chopped white mushrooms
1 peeled, chopped onion
Salt, pepper and coriander, to taste (and whatever other spices you like)
2 tablespoon chia seeds
2 tablespoons hemp seeds
1/4 cup sun-dried tomatoes
1/4 cup raisins
Sliced onions, tomatoes, avocado, nut cheese, lettuce, cilantro, ketchup, hummus (all optional)
Swiss chard leaves or chickpea bread
To make the burgers: pulse all the ingredients in your food processor until it becomes an orange-y mush. Not the most pleasant-looking but it should taste yummy. Form the mixture into patties (mine were about 1/4 cup) and dehydrate for 5-7 hours, or until they are dark and hold their shape. I put mine in the oven at 200 degrees because I'm not too picky about specific temperatures.
Top off with your condiments and wrap up in green lettuce goodness! Chomp chomp chomp. I eat like a dinosaur. Or a cow.