- this is my best cookbook yet; all my cookbook-y skills (food photography, recipe development, writing) have improved
- all the recipes are vegan, gluten-free and based around whole foods
- half the recipes (40) are raw, and the other half (40...) are gently cooked
- the ingredients are easy to find, the instructions are easy to understand, and the recipes are super quick to make... this is mainly because I am lazy
- there is a full page colour photo for every recipe, taken by me of couuurssse
I think this cookbook illustrates how I have been maturing as a human being, designer, photographer and recipe creator. From the fonts and colour themes to the food styling to the recipe introductions, I'd like to think you can tell that I've gotten a bit older since writing my first two books. I've honed in my aesthetic preferences and really wanted to create a beautiful, special product for you that you can enjoy simply looking at in the living room (or wherever you chill), or actually using in the kitchen (or wherever you make your grub). Like I said, I am really lazy when it comes to making food, so for all you folks out there who prefer easy, quick, delicious (but creative!?) recipes made with ingredients you probably already have - you're gonna love this book. And for those peeps who actually really enjoy trying new ingredients and taste combinations, this book is still of recipes that will interest you, because I also like to get experimental in the kitchen.
A major theme in the book is eating seasonally, even though I don't touch on that topic much. But just FYI: the majority of the ingredients I used in the recipes were from the farmers market. Going to the market with Jack every week was a huge source of inspiration for me to create the recipes in this book. My method is pretty relaxed and organic: I don't think about what kind of recipes I am going to make, until I've made them. I didn't usually have a strict plan for what I was going to do, but as soon as I'd get to the farmers market, the wheels in my foodie noggin would start turning and by time we got back in the car, loaded down with grocery bags (re-usable ones when I remember!), I was probably excitedly and breathlessly telling Jack what I wanted to make with the fennel and basil we just bought. I am really happy that my brain works this way. Fresh, organic, vibrant produce inspires me endlessly.
I think I've said just about enough now, so I'll leave you to drool over these photos. I always wanna get sexual and make some joke about how my photos make people wet [in their mouths]... but it seems so cheesy. Anyhoo, talk to ya later, babe. x
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