These are made up of literally just fruit. If you follow a low-fat, nut-free, or 80/10/10 diet (which personally I am increasingly gearing towards), you're gonna love this recipe. Honestly I don't think you can overeat these because all the ingredients are so damn good for you and your gorgeous bod. Having said that, you can adapt this recipe to your hearts content: add coconut butter or cashews to the ice cream, or cacao, nutmeg or cinnamon powder; add some ground up nuts or seeds to the crust, or coconut oil. Possibilities abound, and I'm not here to stop your creativity from flourishing. Let it bloom, baby... let it bloom.
As mentioned a second ago (depending on how speedy of a reader you are), I'm aiming for a more 80/10/10 diet. That just means a diet where you get 80% of your calories from carbs, and 10% each from protein and fat. People who follow 80/10/10 eat whack loads of fruit all day like mangoes and bananas, and are usually raw and vegan. I already eat mostly raw fruit - and LOTS of it - as my main source of calories; supplemented with rice, steamed veggies and beans. I feel best eating this way. But I also eat a fair amount of nuts and coconut oil, coming from my desserts. Now, I wanna be clear that stuff like nuts, seeds, cacao butter and coconut oil are GREAT FOR YOU! Cashews are my BFF 4 real. But at the same time, they are most beneficial when consumed in small amounts. For those of you who read my blog and regularly make recipes, don't worry, the amounts of these foods you are getting from my recipes are perfectly reasonable. But for ME, making these things everyday, I probably eat a higher percentage of fat than I would find ideal. Make sense? I just don't wanna freak any of you out by coming across as saying "Oh no, my raw vegan desserts are making me fat!" No. That is not at all what I mean. I'm in great shape and a very healthy weight, and I eat SO MUCH of desserts I post on here. But I would like to experiment with an 80/10/10-ish diet and see if I notice improvements in how I feel. To be honest, I feel terrific pretty much all the time, so I can't imagine any significant changes. But I am curious, so I'm gonna aim for a higher-carb, lower-fat diet and see what happens. This essentially will just translate into my desserts using a bit less nuts and coconut oil, because that's the only place I get fat from anyway. Also, I am excited to share more nut- and coconut-free recipes with you guys! All my recipes are already raw, vegan and gluten-free, and now they will be accessible to even more of you fabulous folks.
Ice cream:
3 frozen bananas
1/2 teaspoon vanilla powder (optional)
Tart crust:
1/2 cup Medjool dates
To make the ice cream: blend the bananas until thick and smooth in a high speed blender. Be patient and keep pushing the fruit into the blades - it may take a second but suddenly you will have a blender container full of soft serve banana ice cream.
To make the crust: press the pitted dates into a tart tin... yeah, it's that simple. Spread your ice cream in and enjoy! Eat as many of these as you want. Seriously.
Another option is to use the same ingredients but add some water and throw EVERYTHING in the blender together, to make an amazing banana vanilla mylkshake.
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