10 day juice fast: day 2


i'm waiting for the crappy feelings of detox to set in, i guess that'll be tomorrow...? but these first two days have been fantastic. today is even better than yesterday! i feel like i'm on the best psychedelic drugs. i had the trippiest dreams last night as well. 

it's been sunny both days, and i wake up to the sun beams breaking through my window and falling on me and my cat (who likes to snuggle up right on my face). today i woke up pretty hungry, so i prepared my veggies and fruit for juicing, took a shower, juiced them, then went right outside to dry off in the sunshine and enjoy my elixir. it was made of:

2 carrots
2 sticks celery
1/2 cucumber
1 orange
1 apple
2 tomatoes
chunk of ginger
huge handful kale
1 bell pepper

if that glass of juice isn't beautiful - i don't know what is. look at my kale!!! finally it has grown. dinosaur kale might be my favourite food. seriously. check out how amazing it is.

know what else is amazing? bobby mcferrin's self titled album from 1982. 

as far as my body goes - like i said, i feel great. i have been quite warm today though. a lot of perspiration. i'm making sure to drink tons of water and get plenty of sleep. i'm also spending time outdoors and walking around. in the next few days i'll be getting into meditating, painting and reading. can't wait!

the contrast of bright colours in my juice matched my dress :) i did some dishes, then went to tutor a student. i walked all the way home like i usually do and felt totally fine, it's about 5 kilometers. in fact, i have more energy today than normal.

i made my second juice for dinner around 6 PM. it was made of:

1/2 cucumber
huge handful kale
1 orange
1 apple
1 tomato
1 bell pepper
3 carrots
4 sticks celery
chunk of ginger
& love!

at this point i'm loving every moment of this fast and am really excited for the next eight days. we'll see if that opinion changes... i'm also keeping in mind that after this i am going to be doing my 21 water fast. so if i ever feel deprived with just the juice (hasn't happened so far though) i'll just remember that in a week i won't be able to have anything! so it makes juice fasting seem like a piece of cake. raw vegan cake.