10 day juice fast: day 1

today has been great so far. last night i had three amazing friends show up at my door unexpectedly, so we had a party. what does a party mean? it means the lost boys, pho noodle soup, animal collective, and lots of laughing.

so much laughing we kept my dad up, actually. then today i slept forever - that means until 2 in the afternoon. you know i'm really a cat. after my deep slumber i took a shower and laid out in the backyard to dry off in the sunshine. (side note: i've been listening to grimes all day - she's so good, perfect background music for today.)

i did some stuff around the house and was finally starting to get hungry so i made my first juice of the fast! it was made of:

3 carrots
4 sticks celery
handful strawberries
1 orange
1 kiwi
1 bell pepper
1 apple


it. was. amazing. 

i am actually more of a smoothie-lover myself (addicted to green smoothies for life. what's up, kale.) but all it took was one glass of fresh juice to get me right back into juicing! for a period i made veggie juice every morning but i got tired of it. i love fiber and when you juice - you take out the fiber. however, sans fiber has it's own benefits: you get lightning-fast absorption. i'm talkin' like 15 minutes, people.

BAM - it's in your blood. 
in any case, juice fasting has probably saved lives. ann wigmore really popularized juicing and especially wheatgrass juice in the 60's. she showed people juice fasting and raw food could cure disease and rejuvenate the chronically ill. you go, girl.

there's even a documentary about one man who pretty much saved his own life with a juice fast. he went from being "fat, sick and nearly dead" to at the peak of his fitness. here's the link. this doc is so inspiring!!! i loved it. through this juice fast and my 21-day water fast, i also plan to do a lot of reading, writing, painting, yoga and meditation.

time to get back to who i am!

look what i found today! the summer's first strawberry! oh my goodness. i gobbled the little fellow up and promptly ascended into heaven. please, grow your own food if you can - it will be the most luscious, flavourful food you will ever eat.

for dinner, i had a similar juice of carrots, celery, an apple, an orange, strawberries and a bell pepper. but i also added a tomato and a chunk of ginger. it was actually glowing, i think. i feel on top of the world right now! we'll see how tomorrow goes.