a day in the life + i miss you!

Greetings, my lovelies. First off, you better be drooling right now. Yes, I am cruel because I cannot give you the recipe for the food pornography you see here. But in a way I am still kind for showing these GIFs... right!? Okay, I am sorry if you hate me now. But I still love you! And I miss you. Every time I make a new recipe for the upcoming raw desserts cookbook, I am UBER tempted to post it. I must be strong and look to my inner wolf spirit (they're strong right?) to find the strength not to post.

What you see temptingly pictured is a {raw and vegan, naturally} oreo tart with vanilla cream and chocolate ganache. Below me - or my words, rather - are some post-photography shots of my set-up and tear-down. I figure since I am not able to share my recipes right now, I may as well give you guys some insight into what a normal photo shoot looks like! It is not particularly exciting, to be frank... Of course my name is Emily, not Frank, so maybe it IS exciting. Who knows? My wolf spirit, most likely.