In celebration of April 20th (a.k.a. 420) - the day once a year groups of people around the world come together to enjoy the natural delights of cannabis in all it's forms, legal or otherwise - I have decided to do a hemp recipe roundup, so throughout the post there are linked photos - click them for the recipes! I also have a bit of a rant about supporting the legalization of marijuana. I am NOT saying everyone should smoke weed, but I do believe we should have the RIGHT to, if we want. It is part of our duty as promoters of plants (and discouragers of government dishonesty and manipulative corporate profiting) to promote this wonderful green plant! Read on.

I don't want to lose my beloved readers over this controversial topic, but I also need to be honest. I really feel that supporting the cannabis plant - including marijuana - is an important part of my job as an individual who promotes an eco-friendly, cruelty-free and healthful, wholesome lifestyle and at the same time REFUSES to live a life reliant on major corporations, drug companies, agribusiness, chemicals and toxins.
Essentially - part of my being vegan is a devotion to HOLISTIC living. Supporting and encouraging the legalization of beneficial medicinal herbs that have been used for thousands of years by intelligent civilizations is directed connected to my chosen holistic lifestyle.
When you look at the controversy around marijuana - it is almost identical to the controversy around meat, dairy and other animal products. Let's take a look:
Initially, when the scientific data was not able to be conclusive, animal products were thought to be healthy and so the government promoted eating them. Companies and farmers selling animal products grew to giant corporations and now we fast forward several decades to today: the science IS conclusive and it tells us animals products are disastrous for our bodies, the planet and of course with factory farming - we see the brutal torture and murder of innocent creatures reach the billions each year. Yet because of long-held and deep-rooted traditions, beliefs and convictions, many still are clinging to what they learned when they were growing up - that meat and milk makes you strong! They may never learn of the dishonest reality behind these foods because the government and major animal product corporations are purposely hiding it from them, under packs of lies, crimes and distractions. Why? As always, because of profits. They are not evil people, just business people. There is too much for the government and these corporations to lose now. For more on this, read the China Study, Eating Animals, and Mad Cowboy, and watch Food Matters and Food Inc.
If animals products are good for us - why are the top two killers in America cancer and heart disease? Why will every one in three children be diagnosed with diabetes? Why does the factory farming industry produce more pollution that all transportation combined? Because it's a lie - processed, factory farmed animal products AREN'T good for us.
Now let's compare this to marijuana, shall we? Initially, when marijuana entered American culture (largely by Mexican workers) the scientific data was not able to be conclusive so marijuana was perceived as a toxic drug. It is sad it became categorized as drug rather than a plant since it is firstly a plant, and the word drug negatively groups it in with cocaine, etc. The government thought it would have a negative effect on the country and so it basically used
scare tactics to discourage the use of marijuana with no concrete evidence behind the claims they made.Fast forward a few decades to today: the science AND history is conclusive and it tells us that marijuana has been enjoyed for generations upon generations without a problem - in fact it can be
beneficial to many. It takes away pain, produces a relaxing mood, brings about a euphoric feeling, all while treating a large number of serious diseases. Yet because of long-held and deep-rooted traditions, beliefs and convictions, many still are clinging to what they learned when they were growing up - that marijuana is a scary, evil substance that can ruin your life! They may never learn of the actual positive reality behind of plant because the government and many major corporations are purposely hiding it from them, under packs of lies, crimes and distractions. Why? As always, because of profits. There is too much for the government and these corporations to lose now. For more on this, read The Benefits of Marijuana, and watch Grass: The History of Marijuana, The Union, In Pot We Trust, and Run From The Cure: The Rick Simpson Story.
If marijuana is bad for us - then why has it never caused a single death while alcohol, cigarettes, processed food and prescription drugs combined kill millions every year LEGALLY? Why has marijuana been enjoyed for centuries by ancient cultures who praised it's medicinal and spiritual benefits? Why is it succesfully used a treatment for glaucoma, depression, cancer, anorexia, AIDs wasting, nausea and multiple sclerosis? Because it's a lie - cannabis does NOT have to be bad for us.

The stories are the same. Profits keeping the truth from the confused public so government and corporations can continue making money, at the expense of the health of the planet and its inhabitants. Let's stop listening to the lies and start thinking for ourselves. As people who are choosing this alternative, plant-based lifestyle - we need to promote the love and respect of plants! At the same time, we need to explain the ugly truth behind processed animal foods, factory farming, pharmaceutical drug companies, and this
reductionist way of living that so many have grown accustomed to. It is time to find our roots in holistic methods and mindsets. A part of that duty is understanding the beauty of the plant marijuana, and letting go of it's stigma.